Your monthly commitment covers 1/2 of a stipend for one student
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Strategy Spark
Innovative planning and bespoke strategies are the foundations of your business.
Tech Tune-Up
Embracing the digital world with tailored tech solutions that keep you ahead of the curve.
Growth Groove
Guiding your growth journey with insights, analytics, and adaptive tactics.
Brand Buzz
Creating compelling brands and marketing strategies that resonate and engage.
Brand Buzz
Creating compelling brands and marketing strategies that resonate and engage.
Strategy Spark
Innovative planning and bespoke strategies are the foundations of your business.
Tech Tune-Up
Embracing the digital world with tailored tech solutions that keep you ahead of the curve.
Growth Groove
Guiding your growth journey with insights, analytics, and adaptive tactics.
You ask, we answer
Why choose Resilient Coders?
Resilient Coders is a free and stipended coding bootcamp that trains people of color for careers as software engineers. Everything we do serves our goal of economic liberation. To that end, there is no tuition, and you never have to pay us back -- not even after you get a job. Free is free. We also provide a $500 learning stipend so you can focus on your learning. This stipend is paid bi-weekly.
What are the eligibility requirements?
Residents in the Greater Boston and Greater Philadelphia areas. We are open to applicants from neighboring states, this include Delaware, New Jersey, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. Individuals from neighboring states will be accepted on a case by case basis.
What do you teach in the bootcamp?
We teach HTML, CSS, Javascript, Express, React, and MongoDB. We also teach professional skills that support your job search.
Do you offer a stipend?
Those admitted into the training program receive a $500 bi-weekly learning stipend.